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10:37 a.m. - 2004-02-23
A bit O this a bit O that
Ah SHIT...Monday...bah

Literature test today...concentration on terms...quotes...ideaology.

Painted my little apartment yesterday...looks great...covered all traces of the ex roomates wall hangings and tape marks...Feels good to have her painted over and covered.

I get my cable back today...another Colleen fuck up...finally paid the $279.oo remaining balance that she was "supposed" to send half of in...of course that never happened.

But least she was consistent with one thing...being a loser.

Ah depression is coming in waves this minute minute anxious and sick in the stomache for no apparent reason...then depressed...then euphoric.

I think I am working too much and not getting enough sleep.

Tonight I work on my Oaxaca Mexico project that I have been procrastinating over.


In memorandum of Daffy5559 Keith Barotono of Copper City, MI who died this month from post surgical complications. My online friend of nearly three years...he will be missed in the Bingo Parlour.

Love Maeve



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